Get Behind Me Satan!

Get Behind Me Satan

Get Behind Me Satan

Get Behind Me Satan!

You know life has become totally crazy when my postings start to dwindle and then just stop all together!  All of a sudden I realized I couldn’t remember when the last time I wrote anything was – YIKES!

So here I am.  Attempting to get my routine back – put my life back in order.  But first a WARNING about this post:  My mind has been all over the place lately.  So I may ramble and carry on a bit.  I may at times be a little down but I will hopefully bring it all back up to where it should be.

I’m not really sure what’s going on with me so I think that may be the biggest problem right now.  Where do I even start?  I am a routine person.  I work best and feel my best when I have a schedule and I’m following it.  Right now I don’t have that in my life at all.  So that may be part of the issue.

Since our move (about 2 months ago now) I have been seriously struggling in what seems to be EVERY area of my life.  I’m not sure why because I’m actually very happy with where we are living and how things are going.  It’s a better situation for our family than we have had in a very long time.  So I should be ecstatic!  But it all seems so overwhelming to me.  So much so that at times I have caught myself thinking “I just want to go home.”  But where is that?  Where is my safe place if it’s not here in my actual home?

I have been in such a weird funk I haven’t even gotten back with people.  Either with phone calls, e-mail or all the social media – which is not at all like me!  I feel like I’m starting to just check out of my life some and that scares me.

So what is causing all of this stress and chaos?  I guess it may be all the commitments I need to complete in the next month: basement organized and set up for our new school room, plan out our school year (at least the first month if not the first quarter), continue in my B90Days promise (reading the Bible in 90 days), find a homeschool group, and find a dance class for Roo.  Add in a few other little things plus my day to day stuff and I think I may explode.  Oh not to mention I am gaining weight instead of losing – isn’t that just the icing on the cake!  (Mmmmm cake – Ya that’s right!  I’m a stress eater too.)

Now, I know this doesn’t seem like much.  Even as I write it I think, “WOW!  What a big baby!  Suck it up woman!”  So why is this stressing me out?  Why do I feel like I can’t handle any of it and want to give up?

Our God works in mysterious ways – even through Twitter!  I was reading through my many updates on TweetDeck and came across a wonderfully encouraging post:  Are You Ready To Give Up? by Amy at Mom’s Toolbox.  She talks about Satan whispering in her ear about her failures and fighting back.  Hmmm?  I hadn’t thought about that.  Is Satan putting the doubt in my mind, making me feel overwhelmed and crazy?  Am I maybe on the right track?  Maybe getting closer to God and scaring Satan?

I certainly hope so!  Thank you Amy for such an eye opening post for me.  You should all check it out, seriously!  I hope and pray that I am growing closer to God and scaring the pants off of Satan!  What an amazing and empowering thought.  I mean, isn’t that what we, as Christians, all want – to scare Satan like there is no tomorrow (for him)?

Now, feeling encouraged, hopeful and empowered I am ready to start my day.  I’m ready to start my month right.  With my eyes focused on God, I can do anything!

But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”  Matthew 16:23

(A new verse for my fridge)

Are you feeling like your day (maybe even your life) is running away from you?  Leave a note or send me a message about it.  Let’s grow closer to God together and put Satan behind us!

Love Life, Love God, Live For HIM…

6 thoughts on “Get Behind Me Satan!

  1. Meg,
    What a beautiful post! I am so glad I just happened to check my newsfeed of the blogs I follow so I could read it.

    I think what you are going through is something that all of us face, and you have expressed it honestly and with eloquence.

    After reading your post, I thought of a quote I had read some time ago: “Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says, “Oh no, she’s awake.”–unknown
    Many blessings to you and your family!

  2. Thank you both!
    @Lisa – I love that quote! I am definitely putting that one on my fridge too! LOL

  3. I stumbled on your blog, I wonder if it was a God thing? I bet it was. Cause I so needed to read this. We have so much going on in our world that I don’t even share on my own blog. On top of what I do share on my blog. Thanks for the reminder to keep looking toward God and to put Satan behind me!!!

  4. I struggle with the same thing and have to remember to put HIM first….I always know the signs of when I let myself start slipping and hearing that slithery guy start the ‘did he really say’….hahaha…keeping him first…it is what he tells us to do because when we don’t…well…it all starts to fall apart! Love your sweet post!


  5. Yes, indeed! My life has gotten so out of hand lately! I’m seriously so busy I could work all 24 hours of the day and still not finish it all. Of course, that is impossible, because I like to sleep, so I’m just hanging on for dear life and trying not to drown in the piles of hot wheels and laundry. It certainly feels like failing, sometimes. But I’m not! Hang in there!

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