Why We Homeschool

  Why We Homeschool As homeschoolers we tend to get a lot of questions when a person realizes we’re homeschooling.  One of the number one questions I get is: Why?  Why would you choose to stay home with your kids all day and teach them? This is only second to: How long are you going…

Don’t Rely on Your Feelings

Don’t Rely on Your Feelings We all go through times in our life where we feel like life is totally taking over.  We feel like we can’t do it any longer – be the mom our kiddos need us to be, the wife our husband need and keep the house and homeschool in the order…

Mom, Are You Missing From The Schedule?

Mom, Are You Missing From The Schedule? You make time for math and language arts and science and history and field trips and housekeeping and meal making and your husband and your church and your business and your neighbors…but what about you? Do you regularly take time to rest and indulge your own interests and…

Knuckle Down – Study Time {Free} Printable

Knuckle Down – Time To Study Lately our homeschool has been a bit chaotic! Roo has been having a very difficult time focusing on her school work which started to make her fall a little behind.  Now this little Tatter Tot is most definitely the biggest reason her attention fades away from her school work.…

Becoming an Intentional Homeschoolin Mama – Time With God

So you want to become an Intentional Homeschoolin’ Mama, huh?  Well, then you need to start by becoming intentional about your time with God!  You can’t expect Him to bless your homeschool if you’re not spending time with Him can you? I truly believe this!  We always start our homeschool day by asking God to…
