Knuckle Down – Study Time {Free} Printable

Knuckle Down – Time To Study Lately our homeschool has been a bit chaotic! Roo has been having a very difficult time focusing on her school work which started to make her fall a little behind.  Now this little Tatter Tot is most definitely the biggest reason her attention fades away from her school work.…

All In God’s Timing

All In God’s Timing What an amazing day!  A day that I will never forget.  Every Christian Mother longs for the day there child decides to ask Jesus into there heart.  This was that day for my little Roo (who is 6 years old)! From the time I found out I was pregnant with her…

Motivating Your Kiddos

Motivating Your Kiddos When I first started homeschooling Rachael this year, it went fantastic! She loved learning every day and she loved having Mommy as her Teacher. It was something new and exciting! Every thing was coming very easy to her and she woke up every day ready to learn. Then the work began to…
