The Encouragement of Co-op

The Encouragement of Co-op


It was 4 years before my girls and I belonged to a local co-op again. We were only there for one year when I felt exhausted and overwhelmed with our schedule at the time. I thought it was something we could drop and not really notice.

Once we left we continued to plug away in our homeschool, dance the nights away in classes for both girls, and your normal running around of a crazy busy life. Life was still hectic and I didn’t feel that “extra breath” like I thought I would. Instead, I felt something else. Alone.

Yes, I had my girlfriends and wasn’t actually “alone”. But when it comes to homeschooling your kids only another homeschool mom is truly going to understand all of the emotions that go along with it.

When you have one of those days where your kids just aren’t motivated to listen and do their work. Or maybe you’re the one that isn’t “feeling it”. Only another homeschool mom is going to get that and encourage you to keep going. Others are more inclined to say “Maybe it’s time to put them in school” or “You’ve gone as far as you can go, it’s time to let the pros do it”. I’ve heard each of these many times myself.  I truly don’t think my friends and family are saying these things to be mean. I think they honestly believe they are helping with this advice. They just don’t get it. They can’t.

Most of us who homeschool are doing this because we feel called to it. We feel that this is what the Lord desires for our family. So the idea of “sending them to school” because life got difficult can tear you down and isn’t actually what you need to hear.


When we decided to head back to co-op we couldn’t be happier. My girls are making new friends and rebuilding old friendships. The classes they are taking are wonderfully taught by loving moms. Being involved with a co-op is just as much for my girls as it is for me. When our longer breaks come we are disappointed to not be with all of our friends (who have become family) every Tuesday.

Being able to share those homeschool life moments with other homeschool moms is exactly what I needed. When I talk about, my daughter who is trying to talk her way out of a project, or my class clown who has an amazing ability to sidetrack me, I have another mom saying “Oh I totally get that”. When I  wonder if I’m doing the right thing I have another mom walking beside me saying “You’ve got this, it was just a tough moment”. I love that. I love knowing that I’m not actually alone. That someone else is going through similar moments and truly gets it.

Are you a part of a local co-op? What makes you keep going back? What has kept you from finding one?

I’d love for you to join us on Facebook for our own online community just for homeschoolin’ mamas: Homeschoolin’ Mama Community. Join us to see that you’re not alone. We may not be able to sit right next to you physically, but we can join you in prayer and encourage you to keep on the path that God has called you to walk.

Love Life, Love God, Live For HIM…

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